Wednesday, 30 January 2013

White Painted Floorboards

One of my latest obsessions is white painted floorboards! It seems that they appear on every page of every Home book or magazine I read (and I read a lot!!). So what to do about this obsession, bearing in mind I have two young Children should 'white' and 'floor' be combined???

Here are some beautiful inspiring examples I have come across:

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(Selina Lake)

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Lots more to drool over on Pinterest.

What do you think? Anybody painted their floorboards white and recommend or the opposite?

Thank you for reading xx


  1. I think they look fabulous, but perhaps more for a bedroom. We have unpainted wooden floorboards which are great and don't show up marks so much.
    Liz @ Shortbread & Ginger

    1. Hi Liz, I hadn't thought of unpainted floorboards, we have bought a sander with a bag on the back, so maybe can see what they look like sanded first xx

  2. I love the look of painted wooden floorboards! So pretty. I personally prefer the quietness and comfort of carpets for upstairs rooms but would like them for downstairs. Mandy :)

    1. Very pretty indeed!! I agree, carpet is definitely cosier for a bedroom so would need lots of rugs if we did it in the bedroom :) xx

  3. Love painted floorboards, have done so in our smallest bedroom (our Granddaughters room when she sleeps over!), doesnt have to be perfect either! Hoping to do the same when we refit our bathroom! xxx

    1. Hello,Thank you - love to hear from people who are pleased with the results!! Have you painted in white? xx

  4. I'm itching to do this upstairs when we finish rewiring. I also like whitewashed floorboards where you dilute your paint and can see the wood through the white. Lovely blog!

    1. Hello, thank you! Funny you should say that, I was reading yesterday about how to whitewash floorboards, they could be easier to maintain so definitely an option! xx

  5. Hi, First time reading your blog today :)

    We varnished the unpainted floorboard in our last house and I loved them, they looked great. We have whitewashed floorboards in the bathroom in our current house and I hate them. They look ok but they're a pain to keep clean, if you love cleaning and touching up paint then go for it, if you're driven insane by marks and visible stuff then I'd give them a miss unless it's an area where the main bit is covered by a nice big rug!


I would love to hear from you xx

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