I like to treat myself to new books but occasionally I come across good ones in the charity shops, car boot sales or the used section on amazon and then I can buy a few without feeling guilty!
On my wish list for 2014 are:
Design Bloggers at Home - Ellie Tennant (release date 10 April 2014)
So excited about this book! I love reading blogs and having a nosey around other peoples homes so will be great to see it in print!
Christina Strutt - Living Life Beautifully (release date 13 March 2014)
I really enjoyed reading Cath Kidstons book 'Coming up Roses' so am sure I will equally enjoy reading about the company 'Cabbages & Roses'. I love reading about peoples influences and inspirations and getting a 'behind the scene' look.
Selina Lake - Outdoor living (release date 27 March 2014)
I have Selina Lake's other books and love them all so am sure this one won't disappoint.
The Great Interior Design Challenge - Decorate your home with style
I am really enjoying this series and love seeing the faces behind the very talented Sarah Moore Vintage and Kindred Rose. I've enjoyed following #GIDC on twitter too and seeing everybody else's response to the show. I also now have a few new blogs to read: Kimberly Plested, Lynne Lambourne and Emma McDonald. Can't wait to read the accompanying book and try out some of the tips from the show.
Seen lots of good reviews to this in magazines so really want to have a look for some inspiration.
So, think I am going to have to be a very good girl this year to get my hands on all these haha! Which books are on your wish list this year?
Thank you for reading xx